Gender Mainstreaming

The establishment and structural anchoring of gender mainstreaming is a task of the university management. In this process, the equal opportunities officer consults and points out legal conditions to establish gender mainstreaming.

Examples of measures and strategies at the UAS Kiel are, inter alia:

  • gender monitoring and the deriving of measures to ensure (approximate) gender parity for all categories of people as far as possible
  • examination of structural changes considering impacts on the respective gender
  • drafting of opportunities for action in order to provide equal opportunities for all genders at the various levels of the university

In addition to providing consultation on the structural anchoring of gender mainstreaming for the university management by the equal opportunities officer, the equal opportunities office considers itself an information and services office for knowledge transfer of the background, measures and targets of gender mainstreaming. Therefore, initial information on gender mainstreaming is provided here.

Gender mainstreaming is a Europe-wide politically and institutionally embedded strategy to provide gender equality.

“Gender Mainstreaming was introduced at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 as a strategy of European gender equality policy, affirmed as a crosscutting theme and anchored in the fourth working platform at the World Conference on Women. As a consequence, all member states were obliged to develop a concept for the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in their national strategies.” (Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer,, December 2015)

“The European Union agreed within the Amsterdam Treaty to support gender equality according to Gender Mainstreaming in 1999 (Article 3, section 2 ECT). In addition, Article 3 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany stipulates a corresponding obligation.” (Source: Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs in Schleswig-Holstein, Gender Mainstreaming in Schleswig-Holstein, 2005)

The implementation of Gender Mainstreaming is carried out according to the 4-R method. The analysis and the corresponding recommendations are based on the following aspects:

  • R1 - Representation
  • R2 - Resources
  • R3 - Reality
  • R4 - Legal position

The Equal Opportunities Officer’s Commission Report on Equality

The current UAS Kiel commission report from 2017/2018 provides information for all university members on gender distribution for the different status groups at the university.