
There are no tuition fees at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. However, individual study programs may incur additional costs, such as contributions for participation in continuing online study programs, media usage fees or tuition fees. Information about this can be found in the respective study program.

A semester fee is charged each semester for all degree programs. In addition, a registration fee is charged for enrollment in the desired degree program at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. This fee must also be paid when changing programs, or enrolling in a master's program at Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

Semester fee

The semester fee of 267.30 Euro is composed as follows:

Fee for the Student Services Authority (Studentenwerk)                     79.00 Euro
Fee for the Students' Union (AStA)                     10.00 Euro
Fee for the Deutschland-Semesterticket   currently 176.40 Euro
Fee for the regional "culture ticket"                       1.90 Euro

For the Faculty of Agriculture and all online study courses, the Deutschland-Semesterticket is waived, so the total semester fee is 90.90 Euro.

For the current semester fee, please refer to the student services in "Casy" or the fee invoice available for download there.

Applicants can find the current semester fee on the fee invoice provided during online enrollment.

The bank details for the semester fee are:

Recipient: Studentenwerk S-H, FH Kiel
Bank: Fördesparkasse Kiel 
IBAN: DE34 2105 0170 0025 0012 98

The neccessary purpose of use for enrollment/ re-registration is already pre-filled in the corresponding fee invoice in "Casy". It consists of your matriculation number or applicant number and the current semester number, for example: 900100 20241.

Please fill in the purpose of use as indicated in the fee invoice. Otherwise proper accounting is not possible!

If you make the bank transfer from another country, please always use IBAN: DE34 2105 0170 0025 0012 98 and BIC: NOLADE21KIE.

Please consider that the duration of the bank transfer can take up to a week when you are abroad.

Enrolment fee

We charge an administrative fee for the enrolment of 100.00 euros. This fee must also be paid when changing programs or enrolling in a master's degree program at Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

The bank details for the enrolment fee are:

Recipient: Finanzministerium S.-H. - Landeskasse -
Bank: Bundesbank Hamburg
IBAN: DE82 2000 0000 0020 2015 77

The neccessary purpose of use for enrollment is already pre-filled in the corresponding fee invoice after completing online enrollment in "Casy". It consists of the number sequence "8727-11101 783" and your applicant number, for example: 8727-11101 783 101302.

Please fill in the purpose as indicated in the fee invoice. Otherwise proper accounting is not possible!

If you make the bank transfer from another country, please always use IBAN: DE 82 2000 0000 0020 2015 77 and BIC: MARKDEF1200.

Please consider that the duration of the bank transfer can take up to a week when you are abroad.