Hobbies and Engagement

Full throttle against the wind! Does that sound familiar? When you're cycling and the wind always blows from the direction in which you're currently riding? These are exactly the right conditions for our headwind-powered vehicles, because they convert headwinds into propulsion. At the annual Racing Aeolus event in the Netherlands, we compete against teams from all over the world and, ideally, even go faster than the wind! Away from the races, we continue to develop the vehicles, take care of the financing of our constructions and pass on the know-how we have acquired to future generations of students.
What is a headwind vehicle?
- A headwind vehicle is a wind-powered car that runs against the wind. The principle is similar to that of a wind turbine, except that instead of electricity, mechanical motion is generated for propulsion.
Who can participate in Baltic Thunder?
- Anyone interested in the project and wanting to get involved can join us. Traditionally, most of the team members come from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, but we are also looking for students who are interested in subjects such as electrical engineering, marketing and media.
How fast does a vehicle like this go?
- The speed achieved depends largely on the wind speed and, in the best case, even exceeds it. If the winds are favourable, we have already been able to break the 30 km/h mark in races. Anyone who has ever ridden a bicycle in a strong headwind will realise that this is not an easy feat at all.
What is the goal of the project?
- Our biggest incentive is to participate successfully in Racing Aeolus, an international racing event especially for wind-powered vehicles. This race is organised once a year in the Netherlands and we have made it to second place there in the past.
How much time do I have to spend on the project?
- Everyone can decide for themselves how much time they want to spend on the project. As a rough measure, you can plan 1-2 hours per week. However, experience has shown that there is little to do in winter, while the run-up to the race is the busiest time.

Practise some guitar in that block of free time between classes? Feel like a duet with vocals and piano after your lunch break? Or would you rather rehearse regularly in the evenings with like-minded people for the next big performance? Making music at Kiel UAS - all students can do this after a brief introduction in the UAS band room, whenever and as loud as they want! The students’ union AStA has purchased mics, drums, guitar, bass, mixer and amplifier for you.
Everything is ready to go, so you can start right away!
Building 11, Room 1.01
Prof. Patrick Moldenhauer
Prof. Kay Rethmeier:

Cultural and communications centre on the campus of Kiel UAS: café, cinema, gallery, bar, stage for free thoughts and actions within fixed walls.
Opening hours: Bunker-D
Café: weekdays 10 AM – 2 PM and Wed 10 AM – 10 PM
Gallery: Wed 10 AM – 10 PM and by appointment
Cinema: Wed 7 PM
Cinema schedule: facebook.com/BunkerKino.Kiel

Committed students present new information and stories about Kiel UAS live and in a podcast every week: funny, entertaining and always a brand new playlist with the finest music tailored to the listeners. All of this requires precise preparation: topics have to be researched and interviews conducted, which are then prepared for radio. We offer experience in many areas: The use of one's own voice for podcasts and radio, journalistic working methods, audio cutting and editing and examples of social media channels.
Join us: Building C 12, Room 0.22
Tune in: Mon – Fri 12 – 1PM, Thu 8 – 10 AM on 101.2 Kiel FM or on the live stream:
Listen to the podcast which can be found on all major podcast platforms; simply search for „campus radioaktiv“.

News and useful tips, projects and developments, interesting things and facts worth knowing from all around the campus - that's what the "video editorial team" of the University of Applied Sciences reports on. This is how short news films are created every semester by students from all faculties. Suggestions for topics and feedback are always welcome.
Our motto: #mehrsehenvomcampus (#seemorefromcampus)
Prof. Peter Dresewski:

Dinosaurs of the Information Age. Embark on a journey through time to the roots of the Computer Age. On 800sqm of exhibition space, you will experience the mysterious-looking works of the computer pioneers - arranged authentically and fascinatingly at the same time.
The work group Creative Technologies AG (CTAG) is supported by students and lecturers at Kiel UAS, as well as external partners and artists. Our focus is on audio, music production, music technology, sound synthesis, sound design and creative sectors such as electronics, creative programming, algorithms, maker technologies, human-machine interaction and much more. Our motto: challenging projects, pleasant community, making the difference.
Prof. Robert Manzke:
Prof. Gunnar Eisenberg:

The duck hunters that is the name of the dragon boat team of Kiel University of Applied Sciences. They train on the Schwentine River between May and September before competing at the Kiel Dragon Boat Days on the Hörn, the inner part of Kiel Fjord. We are always looking for hard-working paddlers, both men and women. Why not try out during the interdisciplinary week IDW in spring, for example?
Firmenkontakttag (Company Contact Day)

The Company Contact Day is the largest student-organised company fair in Schleswig-Holstein. Every year it is independently organised by a team of students from all faculties. The event is highly successful because in 2021, the Company Contact Day will take place for the 30th time.
For more information visit:

At Förderacer everything revolves around water sports. With our self-built sailboat and two pedal boats, we compete against other university teams in regattas across Europe. In order to be successful, we do not only need technical competencies but also know-how in the areas of public relations, marketing and finance/sponsoring. Does this sound exciting to you, then talk to us or get in touch via email or social media. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Building C12 - Room 0.37a
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foerderacer/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foerderacer
The sports section of the AStA at Kiel UAS offers students and staff an attractive and constantly changing sports programme. For the most part, the programme is realised by the sports office itself in conjunction with some highly committed sports enthusiasts at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Other offers organised by external groups, course providers and the Christian-Albrechts-University complement and round off the programme. Our goal is to create a balanced programme every semester so that as many people as possible can find a suitable balance to everyday life at the University of Applied Sciences.
Building C8, Room 1.06 Luisenstraße 28
Opening hours and sports programme: www.asta-fh-kiel.de/hochschulsport
Contact: sport(at)asta.fh-kiel.de

Kulturgrenzenlos e.V., a registered association, is an intercultural encounter project between young people in Kiel. Through an exchange where everyone meets on an equal footing, the club promotes fellowship in harmony and solidarity between people with and without a refugee background. The kulturgrenzenlos community gets together at joint events and leisure time activities to do sports, be creative or simply spend time together. And the three projects “Ideenwerk”, “Blickwinkel” and the Tandem Project also offer space for encounters. Here you have the opportunity to meet people you might not have met otherwise. Check out our website if you would like more information about these projects.
Phone: 0177 4670967
I am interested in a tandem. Where can I register?
- Fill out the registration form. You can find the link here. Then get to know us in our office hours. In the next few days or weeks you will receive an email from us with the contact details of your tandem partner. You can meet up with your tandem partner at a meeting with us.
I would like to take part in “Blickwinkel”. Do I need any previous knowledge in the media field?
- You are welcome to join us, regardless of whether you already have gained experience in filming and photography or want to learn something new. If you would like to join Blickwinkel and the media team, just send us an email at info(at)kulturgrenzenlos.de or give us a call. We will get back to you and tell you about our next meeting and what projects we are currently involved in.
How can I implement an idea in the “Ideenwerk” at kulturgrenzenlos?
- 1. Send us an email, send a text message or come to the ideas team meeting. 2. Tell us about your idea. 3. Together we will think about how you can realise your idea and how kulturgrenzenlos can support you. We will also try to find a team together with you, which will work with you to implement “your” idea. 4. You and your team work on your idea. We are at your side with help and advice should you all need us. You can also use kulturgrenzenlos as a platform to promote your project, event or action.
Where can I find the dates for kulturgrenzenlos events?
- You have three options:
On our website: In the calendar on our website you will find the dates for all kulturgrenzenlos events. https://kulturgrenzenlos.de/kalender/
On social media: Kulturgrenzenlos is on Facebook und Instagram. There you can find all our events. Follow us and you will always be up to date.
By email: You would like to be added to our mailing list? Then just get in touch by email, we will be happy to email invitations to kulturgrenzenlos events to you.
Who can help me should I have any questions?
- If you have any questions, we are always ready to help. The best thing to do is send us an email or come to our office hours. But please register in advance by email!
You can also call us on 0177-4670967. We are available on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 AM-4 PM and on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12-6 PM.
If you have any queries about the Tandem Project, please contact Marieke or Kathi.
If you have questions regarding the Ideenwerk, ask for Jana or Eike.
Lena und Elias will help you with any questions you may have about the Blickwinkel project.
And Felizitas is the right person to contact for kulturgrenzenlos at the university.
LINK – Laboratory for Immersion Research

The Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Immersion Research - also known as LINK - is a research, reception and development laboratory of the Faculties of Media as well as Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, in which students of these media and technology-related courses of study deal with the analysis, conception and implementation of media technologies and their contents.
What do we do and who are we?
- The Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Immersion Research is a research, reception and development laboratory where students from the Faculties of Media and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering can explore the analysis, applicability and development of new media technologies and their content. The lab encourages and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between media professionals and engineers through joint courses, degree theses, projects and events.
What is immersion?
- The term immersion comes from the Latin word immersio which means immersion. This term refers to the architecture of a medium and, thus, to the number of sensory channels that are "played on" with a specific intensity by the respective medium. A medium is always described as being immersive when it floods a recipient’s senses as completely as possible with the information conveyed (images, sounds, smells, etc.). In other words, immersion means creating the most intense perception possible for a virtual experience. The immersive effect always rises when the recipient gets the impression of being cut off from the influences of reality.
What is the difference between VR and AR?
- We speak of virtual reality if digital reality completely covers our physical reality by absolutely involving our respective senses. With current headsets, this happens primarily through the senses of sight and hearing (can be extended to all senses). If, on the other hand, the physical reality is overlaid or enriched by digital or virtual objects, we speak of augmented reality.

360°- Cinema - Planetarium - Cultural hemisphere: Transcend the boundaries of reality in a comfortable armchair under the 360° projection dome. The Mediendom is one of the defining projection domes in Germany. Try out the 3D audio sound or the 3D video experience, for example.
What is the Mediendom?
- The Mediendom is a planetarium run by the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel. On our dome-shaped screen we can travel to distant stars and planets or take a journey through time. Our equipment boasts a 9-metre dome with a resolution of 3.5K, 58 speakers & 7 subwoofers, a 5.1 sound system, a SpatialSoundWave audio system (3D audio), controllable 360° cove lighting and software and hardware (Digistar 6) to simulate an astronomical 3D real-time environment, as well as an HTC Vive virtual reality system that can be used together with the dome.
What can you do at the Mediendom?
- The Mediendom is probably the cosiest lecture hall at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Classes such as lectures of the Faculty of Media take place here. But we also offer a varied programme ranging from the categories "Astronomy and Knowledge" or "Culture and Entertainment" to "Programme for Kids". You can either come to our public events that are organised on a regular basis or visit us with your private group at a pre-arranged time. More information is available at: www.mediendom.de
Can I get involved in the Mediendom activities as a student of Kiel University of Applied Sciences?
- Yes, we regularly offer elective modules in which you learn to create (interactive) 360° content for the Mediendom. In addition, we are open to any kind of student project (research project, thesis, project work as part of a module) from all faculties. If you are interested, please get in touch with our director Markus Schack (markus.schack(at)fh-kiel.de).
In the mentoring programme "Migration and Education", students from all faculties advise young people with a migratory background about their study options with the aim of paving the way for them to start studies at university. During the Interdisciplinary Weeks of the next winter semester, students can attend a one-week training course as a mentor and then participate in the project for two semesters. They acquire knowledge independent of their degree course and receive 5 credit points and a certificate that can be used as an additional application document.
You can contact us by phone: Mon through Thu from 10 AM-12 Noon
Telephone: 0431 - 210 1760
What is the project “Migration and Education”?
- Students with and without a migratory background who are studying at various faculties at Kiel UAS are trained by several teachers in a one-week course to enable them to inform young people in their personal environment about their options for taking up a course of study. The mentors work for two semesters to support and guide young people along their professional path. Project meetings are held regularly to reflect on the counselling sessions.
Can I participate in the “Migration and Education” project and become a mentor in the first semester?
- Yes, absolutely!
When is the next training programme planned?
- Probably (if in-person events are possible then) in the summer semester Interdisciplinary Week scheduled for May 3-8, 2021.
Do I get credit points for this?
If you complete the entire one-week course, can provide evidence for a certain number of documented counselling interviews and regularly participate in supervision sessions, you get 5 credit points. In addition, students receive a certificate for this multidisciplinary qualification.

The NorthernStars university group for robotics at Kiel University of Applied Sciences supports robotics projects. It offers students the opportunity to do research and work in the field of robotics alongside their studies. This allows them to gain practical, hands-on experience and enables them to apply the knowledge they have acquired. Students regularly take part in the international robotics competition RoboCup, where different teams compete against each other.
Building C12 - Room 2.72
Ivan Valentin Buck
The Refugee Law Clinic Kiel is an initiative of students from various disciplines that offers free legal advice on asylum and residence law to refugees and migrants. If you want to stand up for the rights of others in addition to your studies, then you've come to the right place! You can find more information on our homepage (law-clinic-kiel.de) or on Facebook and Instagram.
What does the Refugee Law Clinic Kiel (RLCK) actually do?
- The RLCK is a student association that offers free legal advice on asylum and residence law to migrants and refugees as well as voluntary and full-time caregivers in migration work in Schleswig-Holstein. We provide counselling every Wednesday in three fixed counselling sessions by appointment only and every Thursday in an open consultation hour. All of this currently takes place online via Zoom. Each counselling session is conducted by two students who have previously completed training as legal advisors with us. Lawyers from Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg lend their support if there is a need to check back to answer specific queries.
How does the training programme to become a legal advisor work?
- In order to be active as a legal advisor with us, you must first attend our training course on asylum and residence law, which is offered every winter semester. Due to the current Corona pandemic, this year's events will be conducted online via Zoom or other video conferencing formats. The training programme consists of a weekly lecture on the basics of asylum and residence law and continuing education workshops that vary in topic. It is compulsory to attend at least three workshops, including the workshop on administrative law. And in addition, you need to write a final exam at the end of the lecture series.
Who can enrol in the training programme?
- All students of Kiel universities who would like to advocate for the rights of migrants and refugees in Schleswig-Holstein on a voluntary basis can enrol in the training programme.
What opportunities are there to get involved in the RLCK?
- In addition to the actual legal counselling, there are many ways to get involved with us. Since we are a student association and virtually all of us work on a voluntary basis to keep things running, we are happy to receive any and all kinds of support. The education section, for example, takes care of organising the training programme and the continuing education workshops, whereas the publicity section coordinates cooperation with other associations and initiatives. And then there is the finance section which applies for the financing of events we have planned or running costs, among other things.
Who can I contact if I wish to join the Refugee Law Clinic Kiel?
- Are you interested? Then all you need to do is send us an email to info(at)law-clinic-kiel.de and tell us how you would like to get involved. Of course, you can also send any other questions to that email address. We really look forward to hearing from you!

Roberta uses the fascination of robots to get pupils excited about STEM subjects - mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology - in an intruiging and practical way. The robotics courses are designed to appeal specifically to girls.
Prof. Gerhard Waller
Office: C13 – 1.27

Do you care about issues like educational equity, equal opportunities and social mobility? Then ROCK YOUR LIFE! is the right place for you to be! Our nationwide network accompanies young people in a one-on-one mentoring programme on their way to secondary school or professional life. Through mentoring, we support students in developing their individual potential. This way, they can start into their future as self-confident, motivated and empowered individuals. Come on board and let's set sail together.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rockyourlife.kiel
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rockyourlife_kiel/
What does ROCK YOUR LIFE! Kiel do?
- ROCK YOUR LIFE! is an initiative of volunteer students at 52 locations throughout Germany. Together we work for more equity in education, equal opportunities and social mobility. At our location here in Kiel, we bring together motivated students from the local universities and students from our partner school every year. Since the end of 2018, we have been cooperating with the Friedrich-Junge-Schule am Schreventeich, a comprehensive school located in the city centre and founded in 1951. Over 700 young people are taught there up to grade 10. Besides their school education, the pupils are offered an extensive career guidance programme that is highly reputed in the Kiel region. We are happy to have such a strong partner at our side!
What does such a mentoring relationship involve?
- It's not so much about helping with homework or job applications. Rather, we at ROCK YOUR LIFE! want to develop the pupils’ potential: In joint training sessions the mentoring pairs work out together who the pupils actually are, who they want to be and how they can achieve their aims. We as mentors support them in setting their own goals and point out new prospects and possibilities. In addition, the mentoring pairs do things together like watching a movie at the cinema, for example, or playing football, drinking coffee or just going for a walk.
How can I play a part in ROCK YOUR LIFE!?
- Planning events, maintaining our Instagram channel or keeping an eye on the finances - we are always looking for new talent in our association. You can either become a mentor or get involved in our organisation team. As a mentor, you will accompany a mentee for a year: you will take part in training sessions together, work on goals and, above all, have fun. In our organisation team, we make sure that all the mentoring runs smoothly; we secure funding for the association or recruit new talents. Therefore, we work in different teams: Mentoring Coordination, Fundraising & Networking and PR & Marketing. Not quite sure which team you might fit into? No problem, just drop in, check us out and give it a try.

This project for female students was started by the Equal Opportunities Office and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. We design and build a fully operational driving simulator completely on our own. With VR goggles, a steering wheel and a movable construction, we aim to create a realistic driving experience. Have we sparked your interest? Then please get in touch either by email or on Facebook.
If you are keen on sailing, the sailing group of Kiel UAS is the right place for you. The aim of the non-profit association is to teach or introduce interested people to sailing. Miles can be collected and experience gained on five boats owned by the club - two dinghies and three tall ships. You can spend an afternoon on the water or go for a sailing trip lasting several days.
You can test the offer without any obligation during a taster sailing session.
Grenzstraße 3 | 24149 Kiel
The project startIng! for first-semester students is a simulation of the engineering profession and takes place as a project week already six weeks after the start of studies. startIng! is carried out as an interdisciplinary project of the faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering as well as Social Work and Health. The aim of the project is to support students at the very beginning of their studies when they are orienting themselves regarding the degree course they wish to choose. The project intends to promote interdisciplinary competences and to bring about a conscious decision to study. One of the central questions to be clarified by the students with the help of the project is: "Why should I study an engineering degree programme?
Building C13 – Room 1.03
Project leader (in-person teaching): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Jacobsen
Project leader (online) and scientific direction: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Henrik Weychardt
Organisational team: Sven Lütt M.A., Leon Sontag, B.Eng., Dipl.-Ing. Gisela Sühr
Monday through Friday 8 AM - 12 Noon or by appointment
Email: startIng(at)fh-kiel.de
Website: www.fh-kiel.de/startIng
What kind of project is startIng!?
- The project startIng! for first-semester students is a simulation of the engineering profession and takes place in the winter semester as a project week already six weeks after the start of studies.
Do I get ECTS credit for it?
- Yes, you do. There are 5 ECTS credits in the elective module area of the technical degree programmes.
Who can participate in startIng!?
- All first-semester students from the faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering can participate in the respective degree programmes.
Can IBS students also participate?
- Yes, IBS students can also participate in startIng!.
How can I register?
- You can register online for the interdisciplinary elective module startIng! via the module registration of Kiel UAS.
Does startIng! also take place in the time of Corona?
- Yes, startIng! is subject to the hygiene regulations of Kiel UAS and has developed a separate hygiene concept for the project’s implementation, which is based on the cohort principle.
Where can I find out more about startIng!?
- Check out the project online at: www.fh-kiel.de/stating

You have a great business idea, want to realise your full potential or want your work to help YOU earn money?! Then become your own boss straight away and come to the StartUp Office at Kiel University of Applied Sciences.
You can expect practical tips on setting up a business and subsidies; reports on the experiences of founders at Kiel University of Applied Sciences; networks with other people interested in setting up a business; and the start-up supporters at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. In addition, we offer free and professional start-up advice. We would be happy to accompany you on your start-up project.
Start your startup journey today!
Contact: Marion Mayr-Tschofenig
Email: startup.office@fh-kiel.de
Phone: +49 431 210 - 1035
Online at: www.fh-kiel.de/stating
What can the StartUp Office help me with?
- We can support you on the way from your own idea to your own company. Besides providing information on possible funding, we can advise you on the strategic and operational orientation of your start-up and are happy to help you draw up a business plan. If we can't help you, we'll put you in touch with the right network for your project!
Is there a workspace where I can realize my idea?
- Yes, for sure! Come to our new co-working space and become part of the community!
How much will all this cost me?
- All consulting services are free of charge and without obligation. So just get in touch and make your dream come true
In close proximity to the stars. The view into the starry night is a special kind of nature experience. Stroll across the craters of the moon at the eyepiece of a telescope and enjoy the magnificent view of the harbour and the surrounding countryside at the same time. The current lecture programme can be viewed online.

VWI? What is that? As the Kiel university group of the Association of German Industrial Engineers (VWI) we are the contact for all students of technical-economic degree courses.
What do we do? We meet for workshops and field trips throughout Germany, hosted by a total of 47 other university groups.
Where? Our office is in building C12 - 2.09. You can get in touch directly with the executive board by phone. Just dial: +49 176 96247954.