Personal and professional background





born in Quakenbrück




Abitur in Quakenbrück


1976 - 1977


military service


1977 - 1979


training as farmer




final examination


1979 - 1984


agricultural studies at the University of Göttingen




examination for Dipl.-ing. Agr. with focus on economic and social sciences


1984 - 1985


scientific assistant at the Department of Agricultural Economics of the University of Göttingen


1985 - 1989


scientific employee at the Department of Agricultural Economics of the University of Göttingen




Doctorate (Dr. sc. agr.) at the Institute of Agricultural Economics at the University of Göttingen


1989 - 1997


scientific assistant at the research and study centre for refining economy Weser-Ems at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Göttingen in Vechta


1997 - 1998


employee at the Department for Environmental Law and Policy of the German Farmers Federation (DBV) in Bonn


1998 - 2000


Employee in the agricultural surveyor's office in Neuss


seit 2000


self-employed agricultural expert with office in Dötlingen, Lower Saxony


2007 - 2010


lectureship at the Faculty of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences of Kiel University with focus on the basics of taxation


seit 2010


professor for agricultural economics at the Faculty of Agriculture with focus on corporate management and agricultural management