Personal and professional background






born in Alfeld/Leine





Abitur at the Alfeld/Leine Gymnasium


1976 - 1978



Military service


1978 - 1979



Agricultural internship


1979 1982



Agriclutural studies at the UAS Kiel, department of organic farming in Osterrönfeld, graduation as Dipl.-Ing


1982 - 1983



Agricultural manager at the agricultural operation Rolf Lass in Kronsburg


1983 - 1984



Chamber of Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein, department of arable farming and crop cultivation, employee in the field of research


1984 - 1987



Agricultural studies at Kiel University, field of crop production, graduation as Dipl.-Ing. agr.


1987 - 1988



Volunteer manager on farm Rolf Lass, Kronsburg


1988 - 1993



scientific employee and doctoral candidate at the Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding, professorship for grassland and forage cropping at Kiel University





doctorate as Dr. sc. Agr. with the dissertation “Wachstumsanalytische Untersuchungen zur Dynamik der Qualitätsentwicklung von Deutschem Weidelgras und Knaulgras im Vegetationsablauf in Abhängigkeit von der Stickstoffdüngung und vom Standort”


1993 - 1997



Scientific assistant at the Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding, professorship for grassland and forage cropping at Kiel University (Prof. Kornher and Prof. Taube), working area “Entwicklung von Simulationsmodellen zur Ertrags- und Qualitätsentwicklung von Grünland- und Futterpflanzenbeständen“


1996 - 1997



lectureship “Grassland Farming” at the Faculty of Agriculture at the UAS Kiel





appointed as professor at the Faculty of Agriculture at the UAS Kiel in the discipline grassland farming, forage cropping, ecology and ecological farming


seit 2004



Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Agriculture at the UAS Kiel