Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Henrik Weychardt

Prof. Dr. Weychardt holds a professorship for design at the Institute for Design and Development in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His teaching focuses on machine elements, technical drawing, product development and structural applications.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Weychardt holds several patents and utility models.
Information on the individual courses can be found in the module database.
- Sept. 2005: Professor of construction at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences
- Apr. 2002 to Aug. 2005: R&D department of Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft mbH, FEM calculations on the interaction of ship structure and drive components
- Aug. 2000 to Mar. 2002: Designated successor to head construction at Maschinenfabrik Anthon GmbH in Flensburg
- Oct. 1995 to July 2000: Research assistant to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. P. Brüser at the Institute for Machine Elements and Conveyor Technology at the TU Braunschweig, doctorate in the field of rolling bearings
- October 1989 to September 1995: Studied mechanical engineering, specializing in conveyor technology with further focuses on drive technology and construction at the TU Braunschweig
During the lecture period from September 16th, 2024 to December 20th, 2024:
- Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. after registration at Jan.Henrik.Weychardt(at)
- Canceled dates in addition to interdisciplinary weeks, Christian holidays, etc. as well as Christmas holidays: October 15, 2024
We'll meet
- in presence in C12-2.38 and
- in exceptional cases online in the JHW Zoom lecture hall: Join Zoom meeting
During office hours, I am happy to answer all technical and administrative questions, especially those that cannot be answered by the scripts or the Internet pages (which are also posted in front of my office).
You are welcome to call, but appearing in person has priority.
All laboratory submissions including feedback can also be picked up during office hours. Laboratory submissions are retained for three years!
Please understand that I rarely have “just a short” time outside of office hours. Thank you!
Please send an email if necessary.
In der Vorlesungszeit ab 16.09.2024 bis 20.12.2024:
- Di. ab 16:00 nach Anmeldung unter Jan.Henrik.Weychardt(at)
- Ausfallende Termine zusätzlich zu Interdisziplinären Wochen, christlichen Feiertagen usw. sowie Weihnachtsferien:
Wir treffen uns
- in Präsenz im C12-2.38 und
- in Ausnahmefällenonline im Zoom-Hörsaal JHW:
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
In den Sprechzeiten beantworte ich gern alle fachlichen und administrativen Fragen, insbesondere diejenigen, die sich nicht durch die Skripte oder (die auch vor meinem Büro ausgehängten) Internet-Seiten beantworten lassen.
Sie können dann gern auch anrufen, persönliches Erscheinen hat aber Vorrang.
In den Sprechzeiten können auch sämtliche Labor-Abgaben samt Feedback abgeholt werden. Laborabgaben werden drei Jahre lang aufbewahrt!
Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass ich außerhalb der Sprechzeiten selten "nur mal kurz" Zeit habe. Vielen Dank!
Bitte senden Sie ggf. eine Mail.