Student Representative Body of the UAS Kiel

AStA – this term will be heard by nearly all students during their studies. This abbreviation stands for the Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss or Students' Representative Council or Students’ Union.

The AStA is an important organization which represents the interests of the students and takes care of all issues that go beyond the reach of the separate faculties. It is the executive body of all student committees. The AStA is prescribed by §72 of the law governing universities and the university hospital of Schleswig-Holstein (Higher Education Act - HSG) for every university of the state. It represents the student body to the publich domain and conducts its affairs.

In the AStA, there are several departments with different remits and an executive committee, which coordinates and monitors all activites.
Among other things, it is responsible for:

  • the refund of the fee for the semester ticket
  • social and queer concerns of students
  • communication and coordination between the faculties
  • the university sports programme
  • activities and events for students
  • advisory service about the law and BaföG (student grant system)
  • and much more!

The meeting takes place weekly and is open for all students.
More information is available here.