Professional Career / Vita

Studies of the subject’s political science, sociology and protestant theology at the Philipps-University Marburg/Lahn.

1993: Degree: Diploma in Political Sciences

1993-1998 Scientific employee at the chair of Prof. Dr. Georg Vobruba, Institute for Sociology, University of Leipzig

1999 Promotion to become Dr. rer.  pol. at the Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Leipzig - topic of the doctoral thesis: Concepts of justice in social politics – a qualitative research in Germany and the Netherlands.

1999 Scientific employee at the chair of Prof. Dr. Ilona Ostner, Institute for Social Politics and the Centre for Europe and North American Studies (ZENS)of the Georg-August-University Göttingen

1999-2004 Scientist (Post-Doc) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Research, Cologne; Research project: Migration as a problem of transnational social politics.

Lise-Meitner post-doctoral scholar of the states Nordrhein-Westfalen

2003-2006 Visiting professorship in political sciences, focus on social- and labour market policy (C3), University Duisburg-Essen    

2007-2009 Visiting professorship in political sciences, local social politics and social planning (W2), Faculty of social services, University Kassel.

Regular lectureships at the University of Jena, University Köln, University Bonn, University Kiel and numerous English-speaking lectureships in European countries.

Since 2009 Professorship for political relations of social work (W2), Faculty: Social Work and Health, UAS Kiel