Institutions and Services at UAS Kiel

  • Students' Union 
    • Unit of Social Affairs
    • Queer Students Unit 
  • Counselling fpr students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses
  • Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer) 
  • IBS - Industry-based studies programm
  • Gender, Family, Diversity
  • Diversity Officer
  • International Office (IO) 
  • Campus IT 
  • Students Services (Studentenwerk.SH)
  • Central Students Advisory Services / Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB) 

The AStA is a university-wide body that represents the interests of the entire student body. 19 officers work with the executive board to create the best possible study conditions for you all. Our scope of responsibility covers everything that concerns the entire student body and not just individual faculties.

Building C32, Moorblöcken 1a


What does the acronym AStA stand for?

  • AStA – almost all students come across this term during their studies. The literal translation would be General Students‘ Committee (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss)

What is the AStA?

  • The AStA is an important body that represents the interests of students and takes care of matters that go beyond the individual faculties. It is the executive body among the various student committees.
  • An AStA is provided for at every university in Schleswig-Holstein in accordance with §72 of the Act on Universities and the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (HSG). The AStA represents the student body externally and conducts its business.

What is the AStA composed of?

What are some of our responsibilities?

  • Reimbursement of the semester ticket fee:
  • Social and queer concerns of the students
  • communication and coordination between the student councils of the faculties
  • university sports; see
  • Activities and events for fellow students
  • Advice on legal matters and BaföG (financial support covered by the Federal Law on Support in Education)
  • and much more!

Our meetings take place weekly and are open to the public.

Where can you find us?

Our offices are located on the campus of Kiel University of Applied Sciences. The building is a large grey container and has the number 32. You can find it by the large car park.


We want a discrimination-free campus! This includes both the balance between student life and family life as well as the support of impaired students and minorities.



I have a disability and/or chronic illness. Is there any way for me to receive some kind of compensation for the disadvantage suffered?

  • Yes, every faculty offers the possibility of disadvantage compensation. These include, for example, an extended examination period, the use of aids in written examinations, etc. In most cases, there are forms for you to fill in to apply for such disadvantage compensation. You have to submit them to the respective examination office and, as a rule, you have to provide proof of the grounds for your application. You can find the forms for disadvantage compensation on the Kiel UAS website. The representative for students with disabilities/chronic illnesses ( and the social unit ( also offer advice on compensation for disadvantages and on studying with disabilities/chronic illnesses in general.

I am studying, have two children and a part-time job that I urgently need to finance my studies. What support does Kiel UAS offer me?

  • To help you better plan your studies, the Social Work degree programme offers students with children and/or care responsibilities the opportunity to pre-register for modules/courses. For the Social Work degree programme, you also have the option to apply for part-time study. Kiel UAS offers Business Administration as an online degree programme. You can also get support from Student Services, called Studentenwerk in German. They offer childcare places as well as advice on financial matters related to Bafög and social counselling. The AStA of Kiel UAS also offers independent Bafög advice and social counselling in cooperation with the AStA of CAU Kiel. If you have any further questions, please contact us at

How can I defend myself against sexist and assaultive speech and behaviour by fellow students / lecturers / staff at Kiel UAS?

  • The BASTA! project is a counselling centre for students who experience a sexualised violation of boundaries or violence. BASTA! ( is a cooperation project with the women’s emergency hotline Frauennotruf Kiel. It offers all students the opportunity to receive independent and professional advice. In addition, you can contact the Equal Opportunities Officer of Kiel UAS ( or us at the Unit of Social Affirs ( in the event of any incidents. All parties involved are bound by professional secrecy.

I am fighting against racism and would like to increase the visibility of discriminated groups at Kiel UAS. Can I start projects myself?

  • With pleasure! Whether it's a one-off event, a recurring activity or a permanent involvement in the committees - we are always happy to hear about projects and ideas initiated by the student body and will gladly support your project after consultation. Just get in touch with us and tell us about your idea: .


The Queer Unit works for representation, participation and a positive climate for gender and sexual diversity on campus and in the university context in general.


What does the Queer Students Unit actually do?

  • The Queer Students Unit advocates for the interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) students in various ways: through representation in university politics; by creating pro-queer spaces, such as our Stammtisch (regulars' table) and the Queer Escalation; through networking; through helping to shape the university’s infrastructure; and by organizing events on queer topics during the IDW (Interdisciplinary Weeks), for example.

Why do we need a Queer Students Unit?

  • LGBTIQA+ people still experience implicit and explicit exclusions, as well as structural obstacles, even at the university. We take action against this and show the (rainbow) flag.

I don’t identify as queer – can I still attend your events?

  • For sure! Our events and spaces are meant to be an opportunity for education and getting to know each other. We welcome people regardless of gender or sexual orientation who are open and appreciative of queer issues.


Counselling on the study situation for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Students from all faculties are welcome.

  • Organising your studies
  • Examination settings
  • Advice on applying for disadvantage compensation
  • Room issues/ access barriers on campus
  • Conflict counselling

Office: Sokratesplatz 2, Room 4.12

Office hours: Tuesdays 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM or by appointment
Phone: 0431 / 210 – 3075

Representative of Kiel University of Applied Sciences for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses: Prof. Dr. Roswitha Pioch


The Diversity Officer supports the university in planning and organising equal opportunities in terms of teaching, studying and working conditions for its members and staff. She is committed to non-discriminatory structures and social justice at Kiel UAS and offers anti-discrimination counselling for all university members, especially students and doctoral candidates.

The Diversity Officer informs, sensitises and advises on issues such as

  • Social origin
  • Racist structures
  • Disability and / or chronic illness
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender diversity
  • Multiple discrimination and intersectionality
  • Dealing with discrimination experienced or observed at the university

If you would like to make an appointment for counselling, please contact Alexa Magsaam directly by email at diversity(at) Appointments are made by prior arrangement.

Diversity Officer Ms. Alexa Magsaam
Office: C01 – 0.15
Phone: 0431 - 210 1980


What does the Diversity Officer do or rather what is the Diversity Officer's task?

  • The Diversity Officer's task is to support the university in planning and organising equal-opportunity study and working conditions for all of its members. She is committed to non-discriminatory structures and social justice at Kiel UAS and offers anti-discrimination counselling for all university members. If a person is discriminated against at Kiel UAS, e.g. due to racist attributions, a disability and/or chronic illness, they can contact the Diversity Officer at any time. Even if someone is unsure whether discrimination actually has occurred, the Diversity Officer will advise them.

In addition, the Diversity Officer informs and sensitises members and staff of the university about diversity issues. In this context, she organises workshops and lectures as part of the Interdisciplinary Weeks, for example. You can find additional information about the work of the Diversity Officer here.

Is the Diversity Officer responsible for both staff and students?

  • Yes she is. According to the University Act, she is even explicitly responsible for students and doctoral candidates at Kiel UAS. This means that anyone working, studying or doing a doctorate at Kiel UAS can get in touch with the diversity officer at any time to discuss their concerns. If you need advice, you can send an email to diversity(at) and make an appointment.

Will my counselling requests be treated confidentially or anonymously by the Diversity Officer?

  • Absolutely! If you seek counselling from the Diversity Officer, it will of course be treated confidentially and anonymously. The principles of counselling are as follows: The Diversity Officer offers a protected space for the person seeking advice; the counselling is confidential; the Diversity Officer encourages self-determination and self-empowerment of the person concerned. She also takes different dimensions of discrimination into account, i.e. she pays attention to intersectional contexts. In the event of discrimination and unequal treatment at the university, the diversity officer advises and discusses with the person concerned how they would like to proceed with their concerns. If requested, the Diversity Officer will accompany the person affected by discrimination if a formal complaint procedure is to be pursued.

Are students legally protected from discrimination at Kiel UAS?

  • Yes they are. Kiel UAS issued the Kiel UAS Directive on Protection against Disadvantage, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Violence in May 2019.

    The preamble of the directive states:

"All members and affiliates of the university according to § 13 HSG-SH [the University Act of Schleswig-Holstein] are particularly called upon to contribute to the creation of an appreciative and violence-free work and study environment in which the rights, freedoms and dignity of fellow human beings are respected.

Disadvantage, discrimination, sexual harassment and violence are a violation of personal rights and a massive disruption of university life. They create an intimidating, stressful and degrading work and study environment and can lead to serious health impairments. They are a breach of duties in terms of employment contracts, service law and higher education law and will be punished as such.

Within its field of competence, Kiel UAS assumes the responsibility to protect its members from disadvantage, discrimination, sexual harassment and violence. All members of the university have the right to seek counselling (anonymously) as well as to file a complaint. Counselling sessions and complaints procedures are in principle subject to confidentiality. [...]"


The Campus IT team provides the university-wide IT infrastructure comprising the campus network and server and storage resources for central applications for both academic and administrative purposes. This includes the operation of a variety of services, such as campus management, campus network, WLAN, e-learning platforms and email.
WLAN set-up:

Contact via: wlan(at)


Gender, Family, Diversity

Kiel UAS has made a special commitment to the issues of gender equality, family and diversity in its guiding principles.

The Equal Opportunities and Family Services Office and the Diversity Officer offer:
- counselling
- support
- sensitisation
- information and much more.

We are the go-to persons for all members of the university for all queries concerning:
- Balance between studies and family life
- gender-sensitive language
- career planning
- experiences with discrimination and many other topics.

Alexa Magsaam
Equal Opportunities Officer

Marieke Köhntopp
Coordinator, Equal Opportunities Office and Family Services
Room: C01 0.04 und 0.05

Phone: (0431) 210 -1880 /-1881
Email: Gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at) oder gleichstellungsbuero(at)


Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer) – Advice "Doubts about studying?"

If you have doubts about your studies, you usually have many reasons for them and they do not mean the end of your professional career. On the contrary: oftentimes the intensive examination of your own strengths, ideas and goals provides new motivation and sometimes leads into a totally new direction. We support you in this deliberative process and help you in developing new ideas for your professional opportunities.

Building C 02, Room 0.50

Filling apprenticeship positions that fit perfectly

Ms. Kirsten Freermann
Telephone 0451 1506-136
Mobile 0173 6916556
Handwerkskammer Lübeck

Ms. Janina Jonasson
Telephone 0461-866-165
Handwerkskammer Flensburg

If I don't know exactly what I want to do yet, can I do an internship or even several of them without obligation?

  • Of course it is possible to do several internships until you find "just the job."

Can I reduce the training period?

  • Yes, that is an option. Depending on your school-leaving qualification the training period might be reduced. This will be discussed with the company.

When does the apprenticeship start?

  • Regularly on 1 July, 1 August or 1 September, depending on the occupation. It is also possible to start training later, e.g. in mid-October or early November.

Do I get any credit for my studies at all?

  • In the skilled trades, it is difficult to give credit for academic achievements. It may be possible at vocational school, but not in the practical sector of your apprenticeship, where you have to acquire the skills and abilities of the trade.  That usually takes time. If things work out well, the training period can of course be shortened (see above).

What can I achieve as a journeyman after my apprenticeship, if I still wish to continue my education?

  • There are several options open to you, depending on the occupational profile. Further training as a technician is possible, or you could continue training to become a master craftsman. And building on this, you could go for the master craftsman's diploma in business administration. In addition, there is the possibility of combining a craft apprenticeship with a technical college degree (StudiLe) or a craft apprenticeship and compact coutse in business management to become a technical business economist (TBW). More information is available on our website.


Kiel University of Applied Sciences offers a dual study model for all Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering as well as Civil Engineering and Economics: the Industry-Based Studies programme (IBS). IBS combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on business practice: during their studies, the future academics acquire up-to-date specialist knowledge which they apply in practice in the company. A win-win situation for students and companies!

Ms. Laura M. Schuberth 
Tel: 0431 - 210-2753


Can I sign an IBS contract without being admitted to university?

  • Yes, you actually have to. The cooperation partners often look for their candidates for industry-based studies up to a year in advance. However, you cannot apply for a place at university until later (you can find the application deadlines here). You will receive the confirmation of a university place in August to September. The contract with the cooperation partner becomes invalid if you do not receive admission from Kiel UAS.

Do I also have to apply for a place at Kiel UAS if I already have an IBS contract with a cooperation partner or do I automatically receive admission to the degree programme?

  • Yes, you have to apply both to a company/authority and to Kiel UAS. The cooperation contract is not relevant for admission or enrolment.

Exception Civil Engineering industry-based: For the industry-based degree programme Civil Engineering, a copy of the contract must be enclosed with the UAS application, as it is relevant for admission to your degree programme. You can find further information here.

I am already studying at Kiel UAS. Can I still apply for a place on an industry-based degree programme?

  • Of course! With many cooperation partners it is possible to start studying first and apply for a place with the cooperation partner during the 1st or 2nd semester.

This option is not applicable for the industry-based Civil Engineering degree programme.

Where can I find the list of current IBS cooperation partners?

  • You can obtain a current list of cooperation partners from the IBS Project Office or online here.

I am in contact with a company or authority that offers me the option of industry-based studies. Unfortunately, it is not one of the listed cooperation partners of Kiel UAS.

  • That is not a problem at all. It is possible to reach out to companies or authorities yourself. Many companies/authorities are willing to participate in the model if they are approached by prospective students.

For further details on the procedure, a brief preliminary discussion is advisable. Call the IBS project office at Kiel UAS. We will be happy to support you with relevant information material and further tips.


Would you like to spend a semester abroad or meet international students? The IO is the contact point for international and German students. Here you can get information on studying and internships abroad. For international students, the IO is the central advisory office. A country studies and intercultural semester programme is offered in cooperation with the Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI).

Building C 19, 1st Floor

Mondays + Wednesdays 10 AM – Noon
Tuesdays 2 PM – 4 PM
Thursdays Noon – 2 PM
and by appointment



What opportunities are there for me to spend one semester abroad during my studies? 

  • Kiel UAS has more than 100 partner universities in other European countries and also worldwide. Find out which partner universities cooperate with which faculties either at the International Office directly or on the IO website.

Can I also do an internship abroad?

  • Yes, you can do an internship abroad in addition to your studies and receive financial support. It is also possible to write a thesis.

Will I get credit for the work I do abroad here at Kiel UAS?

  • Yes, if the modules have been previously defined and approved in a Learning Agreement. The respective coordinators in charge of foreign studies at the different faculties will help you with this.


The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein (Students Services Schleswig-Holstein) shapes everyday student life and provides a wide range of services for students in the state. We would like to contribute to everyday student life - in our refectories and cafeterias, halls of residence, through student financing, with our social counselling and support services, and by supporting cultural and creative activities.

We have the answers to your questions about Bafög (government funding for education and training) right here!


Although I am already in my first semester, I would be very happy to receive information about BAföG-funding for students aged 25 and over who are not dependent on their parents.

  • Whether a student is entitled to BAföG-funding independent of his/her parents is checked with every application for BAföG. Parent-independent BAföG does not depend on the age of the student. Parent-independent BAföG is paid out if the student starts studying very late and this decision was no longer foreseeable for the parents, who would have to pay maintenance, or if a three-year vocational training course has been completed and this was followed by three years of full-time employment. BAföG can be applied for at any point in the course of study. If you are unsure whether you are entitled to BAföG, please contact the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Office for the Promotion of Eduction and Training) directly (

My parents would have to pay me maintenance, but they don't do that. They also don't want to help with my BAföG-funding application. What can I do?

  • If your parents refuse to pay the maintenance they are obliged to or do not disclose their income when you are applying for BAföG, you can apply for an advance payment from the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Office for the Promotion of Education and Training). If you have any questions about this, please contact the Office directly (

I would like to know what the situation is with Bafög-funding. I'm a working-class kid and can't ask anyone. I also have a rough idea of what I want to study, but would like to get more details and to find out if it's really something I should do.

  • You can get information about BAföG either at the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Office for the Promotion of Education and Training) ( or at the Social Counselling Centre of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein ( You can also discuss all other questions you might have about studying in general at the Social Counselling Centre. If necessary, the staff will also look for the right contact person together with you.

Should you have questions about specific degree programmes, we recommend that you get in touch with the Central Student Advisory Service at Kiel UAS directly (

We know that prospective students receive different levels of support from their families during their studies. Working-class children cannot fall back on the study experiences of their own parents, as they are the first in their family who decided to study. We are happy to support you and please, feel free to ask us any kind of question that you may have. We also recommend contacting (kiel(at) or There,

workers' kids, as they call themselves, support each other and can benefit from each other's experiences.

I am already 31 years old and starting my studies. Can I still apply for BAföG-funding?

  • Basically, there are two age limits for the start of BAföG-funding. You can apply up to the age of 30 for a Bachelor's degree and up to 35 years of age for a Master's degree. Illness, disabilities or child-rearing periods, among other things, can postpone this age limit. If you have any questions or uncertainties, it is advisable to contact the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Office for the Promotion of Education and Training) directly.

Can I apply for BAföG-funding for a degree programme if I previously received BAföG for pupils?

  • Yes, that is an option.


Central Student Advisory Services (ZSB) at Kiel University of Applied Sciences offers a comprehensive advisory service that addresses the needs of (potential) students. The staff is bound by professional secrecy and treats absolutely everything confidentially. Unfortunately, due to the Corona pandemic, the open office hours have to be cancelled. However, you can still reach the Student Advisory Services by telephone.

Building C18 – 0.07

Telephone: 0431 – 210 1760
Telephone office hours:
Mon - Thu: 10 AM – Noon



Would a scholarship be right for me?

  • A scholarship is not only for absolutely top-notch students. If you have good grades and show commitment in social or community affairs, you can also be interesting for scholarship foundations. The Central Student Advisory Services will be happy to advise you on all aspects of scholarships. Information and contact details are available at

Who can I turn to if I have difficulties in my studies?

  • The psychosocial counselling service at Central Student Advisory Services will advise and support you by telephone and in person (also anonymously) if you are experiencing problems such as motivation issues, exam anxiety, uncertainty about your choice of degree programme or any other worries and concerns you may have about your studies. We will work with you to find a constructive solution to your problems. You are welcome to make an individual appointment with us. You can find the contact details at

What is the best way to find accommodation or a room in a shared flat?

  • The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein (Students Services) offers various types of accommodation and halls of residence on the east and west banks of Kiel Fjord. You can find more information at The best

way to find a room in a shared flat is on portals like or via the classified ads at Ebay-Kleinanzeigen.

What jobs can I do while studying?

  • Student employee jobs or research assistant positions are particularly popular. Keep your eyes open and look for notices at the university and for advertisements on the website, or approach the lecturers directly in person. You may also find what you are looking for on popular portals such as Jobmensa, Monster and Ebay-Kleinanzeigen.   In principle, all other types of part-time jobs are possible as well.