Around the Start of your Studies
From 01.11.23, the Student Administration section was transferred to the Casy Campus Management System. Detailed information about the changes is summarised on the page "Changes of the Study Services from 01.11.2023 (internal area)".
Information on BAfÖG can be found here:
Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein
Westring 385
24118 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 8816-400
After enrolling in their studies (matriculation), all students at Kiel University of Applied Sciences receive a chip card that serves, among other things, as a student ID card, a library card and a cash card for the cafeteria. Further information can be found on the Student Secretariat website.
As a student at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, you receive your own email address for the duration of your studies. This is composed as follows: You will only receive important information from the university, your department and other personal messages via this e-mail address and should access this information regularly in your own interest. Documentation on the Use of Email Accounts is available on the Campus IT website.
Have you already received your admission in your desired study programme at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences? Congratulation!
Guide - everything I must know
Do you ask yourself what to do as of now? Please find all the useful and important information in our brochure Guide for International Degree Seeking Students.
Checklist for incoming degree seeking students
To have a better overview of all the steps you should do before and after your arrival in Kiel, we have prepared this checklist for you. Feel free to use it as your compass for your orientation.
BaMaPLUS - The Orientation Programme
A new start in a new country is very exciting and thrilling, but also brings with it many challenges. In order to provide the best possible support for our international students who are coming to Germany to study, we are offering the virtual orientation programme BaMaPLUS (Bachelor-Master-Plus) each semester.
Kiel University of Applied Sciences warmly welcomes you as new students! Information about the process, programmes and schedule can be found in the first semester information for your department:
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, Mechatronics, Media Engineering, Industrial Engineering)
- Orientation semester only in summer semester
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Media
- Institute for Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Media
- Faculty of Social Work and Health
- Health study courses
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Study course in Data Science
As a student at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, you have a variety of options to use the university's IT systems. By enrolling, you have agreed to the associated terms of use. You will receive the access data by post after your enrollment. It is therefore imperative that you provide your correct postal address. Please note that the access data will only be sent once by post when you start your studies. With these access data you have the opportunity to access this letter digitally in Casy.
The access data are e.g. necessary for the following services:
- workplaces in seminar and laboratory facilities
- cloud services (also accessible remotely)
- email,
- Software products
- Casy (changes of contact data, online applications, printing of study certificates etc.)
- QIS self-service functions (registration of tests, examinations, performance overviews etc.)
- Moodle (e-learning platform of the UAS Kiel).
You can find out more about the entire scope of use on the Campus IT website.
Information on the Deutschland-Semesterticket can be found at the AStA of the UAS Kiel.
After enrolling, every student receives a personal student number for unique identification within the university. Information on this unique feature can be found on the Student Secretariat website.
Are you pregnant or breastfeeding your child? Then, we recommend you report this to the dean's office of your faculty. Further information on maternity/paternity leave for students can be obtained from the Family Services Office, which will be happy to advise you personally.
According to the Kiel University of Applied Sciences' enrolment regulations, you are obliged to report any changes, such as a change in name or address, immediately. You can do this online in the “Casy” study service. Please upload any required evidence, such as a marriage certificate, with the relevant applications.
Notification of a change in health insurance will be communicated digitally to the Student Secretariat through your new health insurance policy.
Students who wish to continue their studies at Kiel University of Applied Sciences in the following semester must re-register (re-enrol) within the set deadline by paying the semester fee.
Failure to re-register on time or not at all will result in de-registration (exmatriculation).
Once you have re-registered, your chip card/student ID card can be updated at the terminals. Students are required to do this by the beginning of the next semester at the latest. If the chip card cannot be updated despite feedback, the following services can help:
- the Student Information Service, Sokratesplatz 3 (Building 18) or
- the Student Secretariat of the Faculty of Agriculture.
More detailed information on re-enrolling (deadlines) and the fees (current semester fee, bank details, etc.) can be found on the webpages of the Student Secretariat and in "Casy".
Please inform yourself about possible changes regarding the respective re-enrolment periods!
The Kiel University of Applied Sciences allows its students to conveniently print any number of study certificates for each semester using “ Casy ”. To do this, you need the access data for the IT systems at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Instructions can be found here:
The recipient of the printed certificate can verify its authenticity online.
The Family Services Office of the UAS Kiel will be happy to support you in reconciling your studies and family responsibilities (care tasks).
Information on Insurance Cover during your studies ( health insurance, accident insurance, liability insurance) can be found on the pages of the Student Secretariat.