Internet of Things - Smart Home

The area of Smart Home/Smart City/Internet of Tthings offers the opportunity for different projects or theses. Not all of them are listed here. Please contact me if you are interested or already have your own ideas in mind.

Goalposts with network supply

In this project, the pace of a ball that is kicked or thrown into the goalpost will be measured. The pace is displayed at the goalpost and submitted to a website (configuration of the ball’s diameter, high score, rankings, etc.). The submission of the data will not be carried outrealized without using a WLAN network but rather with the help of an alternative network such as LoRaWAN. The pace measurement for a fixed ball size and the corresponding hardware has already been was developed in a previous project. In this project, the focus is on the displaying of the results, the configuration and the energy supply.

keywords: LoRaWAN, microcontroller, embedded internet, WLAN