
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Fischer, born: 19.11.1956
Study of Mechanical Engineering at the Leibnitz University of Hanover.
10 years of industrial work at the company rotring-aristo/Hamburg in the CAD/CAM area:

- Manager of CAD training centre,
- Manager of Application Development CAD,
- Product marketing for CAD/CAM

Since 1993:

-   Appointment at the UAS Kiel.
-   Manager of the CAD/PDM/PLM department at CIMTT.
-   Responsible for the CAD education in Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Intern. Sales and Purchasing in Engineering).
-   Expansion of the CAD department with new modern 3D systems.
-   Integration of 3D-CAD education into constructional teaching.
-   CAD service centre for students in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Precision Engineering, Intern. Sales and Purchasing in Engineering.
-   Development of new subject area ‘virtual product development’ with SAP-PLM and other software applications.
-   Two large research and development projects (in total 4 years)
    with the DTU (Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen) .
-   Recently 07/2008 - 06/2011:  F&E – Project with ThyssenKruppMarineSystems Blohm + Voss Nordseewerke, theme: ‘Component Administration’.
-   Application-oriented F&E activities within the CIM-Technology Transfer Centre (CIMTT).
-   Diverse consultation and industrial projects.
-   Cooperation with the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in CAD teaching.