Orientation Semester Förde-Kompass

Degree: no degree awarded
Length of Study: one semester
Course content: German
Enrolment: summer semester
Available Places: 30
Application Deadline: November until 15.01. of each year (summer semester)

Your future with an Orientation Semester

Students in the orientation semester receive an ideal insight into the requirements of a technical degree program. In the orientation module, they learn about typical job tasks from the seven different engineering degree programs in the faculties of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. In addition, elective modules from a large selection of technical study modules provide further information about what to expect in the degree programs.

Good reasons to study an Orientation Semester

  • study in a fixed group
  • exchange with students of higher semesters
  • insight into requirements of technical degrees
  • support from lecturers with comprehensive industrial career experience
  • recognition of achievements towards the bachelro's degree


Mandatory Modules1):

  • Orientation Module - Förde-Kompass
  • Mathematics for Engineers
  • IT for Engineers

1) Modules must be attended by all students of the Förde-Kompass Orientation semester.

Elective Module2)

  • Engineering elective acc. to course catalogue

2) Elective module according to information provided each semester by the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.


  • general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or
  • subject-specific higher/technical education certificate or
  • general or subject-specific advanced technical college entrance qualification (consisting of a school- and a practical-based part) or
  • successfully passed master craftsman’s examination or equivalent previous education (e.g. apprenticeship)
  • all information about the higher education entrance qualification

Application for the first semester of study:

  • November until 15.01. of each year (summer semester)

Information on application deadlines and procedures for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can be found at www.fh-kiel.de/en/degree-courses/information-for-prospective-students/international-applications.

This is a statutory deadline. This means that applications for admission and application documents that are submitted after the deadlines mentioned above will no longer be considered. Further, subsequent submissions after this deadlines are not possible. Applications to study received by fax or e-mail are invalid and are not included in the award procedure.


Documents to be submitted (as upload in online application):

  1. higher education entrance qualification (see above)
  2. certificate in the event of a name change (e.g. marriage certificate)
  3. if applicable, evidence of completed professional training (exam certificate)
  4. if applicable, proof of sufficient German language skills for applicants without a German higher education entrance qualification (enrolment requirement in the case of admission!!!)

To the online application mentioned above

There are 30 places available each year in the summer semester for the Förde-Kompass Orientation Semester. If more applications are received, the grades of the higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) are taken into consideration. Equal grades are decided by drawing lots.

The notifications of admission and the rejection notifications of the main procedure are issued approx. 2-3 weeks after the application deadline. With the cancellations it is possible to take part in a lottery. A lottery procedure takes place if there are still individual places left for the semester program after the main procedure, the succession procedure and enrolment.

The deadline for enrolment is sent with the notification of admission. If you do not enrol in time, your entitlement to a place on the course will become irrevocable. More information on enrolment can be found here.

A compulsory fee per semester is charged for the Studentenwerk (Student Services Authority),the student body representation, and the semester travel ticket.

Also, there is an administration charge for enrolment. This charge is non-refundable.

Further information on the above Fees and Charges


Postal Address

Fachhochschule Kiel
Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 1
24149 Kiel

Tel.: 0431 210 1339

E-Mail: studieninformation(at)fh-kiel.de


Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 3
24149 Kiel

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 09:30-12:00 hrs and
Monday, Thursday 14:00-16;00 hrs and
Tuesday 14:00-16:30 hrs
or by appointment