FAQ IVE for Applicants and First Semester Students

This page is designed to answer some questions for IVE beginners and those who want to become IVEs. We want to point out that these answers are nor legally binding. Legally binding are only the statements of the organs of UAS Kiel (examinations office, professors, etc.) and our regulations (study regulations, examination regulations etc.).

Firstly, and most importantly:
Only the central admission office of the UAS Kiel can answer legally binding questions about admission.

We are happy to give you information about the contents of the study course – but only if the admission office gives you permission, are you one of us ;-)

The application is possible online and very easy.

Read the IVE study regulations carefully at first, there you can find everything. 

Both most common questions are related to

  • “the pre-study internship
    Information about the pre-study internship is available here.
    We have no list with possible companies. It is much easier - if the rules of the information are followed and the contents fit, you can choose EVERY possible company.
  • the admission restriction
    IVE is not freely accessible, because we regularly have more applicants than places.
    For admission requirements, the average grade is especially significant – but not only. Here, only the student secretariat can give ultimate answers.

You are very welcome, please just ask. Choose a lecture – exercises are often not that conclusive. All lectures are described in the module catalogue. The schedule of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with the time and location of the lectures is available here.

The room description (e.g. C02-0.11) can be decoded as follows:

  • The number after "C" describes the building: see campus map
  • The number before the period is the floor and the number after is the number of the room.
  • C02-0.11 is therefore Room/Lecture Hall 11 on the ground floor of Building 2.


In general, it is possible if you have studied at a university but NOT for (professional) school grades. It must comply with the following rules:

  1. a verification (certificate, excerpt from grades) from your former university about the subject that you want to have credited
  2. a module description or an official description of the teaching content of the corresponding subject. As an example, have a look at our module description.
  3. please check yourself whether the old subject is suitable/has matching content. The same name does not mean it is the same content!
  4. please check in advance whether ALL our topics can be covered by your old course! In some cases, you have to bring two certificates from your old university to cover one subject. For example ‘Basics of Business Accounting’ consists of accounting AND cost accounting.
  5. formulate a written application about which subject you want to have credited and attach the certificate and module description to the Prüfungsamt des Fachbereichs Maschinenwesen. Contact partner for acknowledgement is Prof. Dr. Moldenhauer.

AGAIN: Acknowledgements are ONLY possible from other universities and NOT from schools, professional schools, technical schools, etc.


Internship regulations (PDF, german only)