Business Information Technology Online


Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Length of Study: 4 semesters
Course content: German
Enrolment: each summer and winter term (no admission restrictions)
Application deadlines for all semesters of study: November until 24.02. of each year (summer term), May until 25.08. of each year (winter term)
Form of study: further education, chargeable

Your future with a degree in Business Information Technology

The business information technology degree course combines the two classic sciences of 'computer science' and 'business administration' and conveys knowledge to design systems and use them to manage operationally relevant information. In addition to acquiring specialist knowledge, the promotion of comprehensive methodological and social skills is also part of the course; action-oriented, active forms of learning such as case studies, individual and group projects as well as planning and role-playing games also contribute.

Good reasons to study Business Information Technology at Kiel UAS

  • optimal preparation for the digital future
  • individual supervision
  • interactive lessons
  • practical projects enable understanding, application and successful implementation of innovative technologies in companies

Best prospects

Julia Otto

"The Business Informatics degree program offers insights into many different subject areas, so that a variety of career paths can be taken. I particularly liked the practical relevance of the course. The UAS also offers great opportunities to go abroad for short or long periods."

Software Engineer at Vater IT



1st semester of study:

  • Quantitative Decision Theory
  • Leadership
  • Business Process Management
  • Business and IT Law

2nd semester of study

  • Requirements Engineering
  • IT Governance
  • Business Intelligence and Data Science
  • Management Ethics

3rd semester of study

  • Business IT Research Project
  • IT Security
  • Social Media Management

4th semester of study

  • Master’s Thesis (Seminar and Colloquium)


  • a first professional degree in Business Information Technology
  • a closely related study with at least 90 credit points in Business IT
  • evidence of a different professional degree in connection with qualified skills in Business IT due to several years of relevant professional employment

If the previous course comprised less than 210, but at least 180 credit points, the missing skills must be subsequently proven. As a rule, a total of 300 credit points is to be attained.

  • evidence of qualified professional experience, usually not less than one year

Please apply in good time so that you can start your studies smoothly!

Information about the date of the first term student welcome event, and thus the start of your studies, can be found here.

The processing time for your application can take up to 2 weeks and the last possible date for enrolment is 01.09. for the winter semester of 2023.

Applications for all semester of study:

  • November until 24.02. (summer term)
  • May until 25.08. (winter term)

Information on application deadlines and procedures for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can be found at

Documents to be submitted (as upload):

  1. evidence of the above-mentioned university degree (bachelor’s certificate, performance overview with grades, etc.) or if the first university degree was not completed: proof that a maximum of 15 of the credit points required for the bachelor’s degree are still outstanding with a provisional average grade 
  2. evidence of above-mentioned practical experience
  3. first university entrance qualification (Abitur, technical college leaving certificate)
  4. certificate in the event of a name change (e.g. marriage certificate)
  5. if applicable, proof of sufficient German language skills for applicants without a German university entrance qualification and without a German university degree (enrolment requirement in the case of admission!!!)

Once your application documents are received by the Kiel University of Applied Sciences, they are checked for form and content by the Student Secretariat and the Examinations Office or the Examination Board of the degree program.

When your documents have been positively checked, you receive an invitation to enrol.

You are informed of the enrolment deadline with the notification of admission. If enrolment is not made on time, the right to the study place expires irrevocably. You can find more information on enrolment here.

If the examination of your documents reveals that the admission requirements have not been met, you receive a rejection notice with a corresponding justification.

There is a compulsory fee charged each semester for the Student Services Authority, the student body and the semester travel ticket.

Also, there is an administration charge for enrolment. This charge is non-refundable.

Additional information on the above-mentioned fees and charges


Additional study courses are subject to a fee

The fees for this course are 1,920 euros per semester for the first to fourth semester, i.e. a total of 7,680 euros.

If you study for more than eight semesters, additional fees are payable.

The detailed fees are regulated by the statute (in German)


Postal Address

Fachhochschule Kiel
Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 1
24149 Kiel

Tel.: 0431 210 1339

E-Mail: studieninformation(at)


Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 3
24149 Kiel

Opening Hours:

You can find our current Opening Hours here.