Business Information Technology


Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Length of Study: 6 semesters
Course content: German
Enrolment: each winter term (admission restrictions)
Application deadlines for first semester of study: May until 15.07. of each year (winter term)
Application deadlines for higher semesters of study: November until 15.01. of each year (summer term), May until 15.07. of each year (winter term)

Your future with a degree in Business Information Technology

The business information technology degree course combines the two classic sciences of 'computer science' and 'business administration' and conveys knowledge to design systems and use them to manage operationally relevant information. In addition to acquiring specialist knowledge, the promotion of comprehensive methodological and social skills is also part of the course; action-oriented, active forms of learning such as case studies, individual and group projects as well as planning and role-playing games also contribute.

Good reasons to study Business Information Technology at Kiel UAS

  • unique learning experience that combines modern content such as AI, Web Engineering, Python and Capstones
  • optimal preparation for the digital future
  • individual supervision
  • interactive lessons
  • practical projects enable understanding, application and successful implementation of innovative technologies in companies

Best prospects

Julia Otto

"The Business Informatics degree program offers insights into many different subject areas, so that a variety of career paths can be taken. I particularly liked the practical relevance of the course. The UAS also offers great opportunities to go abroad for short or long periods."

Software Engineer at Vater IT



1st semester of study:

  • Introduction to General Business Administration
  • Business Accounting
  • Mathematical Fundamentals I
  • Introduction to Business Information Technology
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Soft Skills

2nd semester of study

  • Mathematical Fundamentals II
  • Project Management
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Capstone Integration Module
  • Business Intelligence
  • Database Systems

3rd semester of study

  • Statistics
  • Software Engineering
  • Investment and Finance
  • Basics of Data Analysis
  • Advanced Programming
  • IT Management


4th semester of study

  • Web Engineering
  • Business Information Technology  - Practical Project
  • Business Process Management
  • Supply Chain and Operations Management
  • Elective Modules

5th semester of study

  • IT Security, IT Law and Privacy
  • KI and Machine Learning
  • Marketing
  • Electronic Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Elective Modules

6th semester of study

  • Practical Training/Internship

7th semester of study

  • Thesis
  • Colloquium
  • Elective Modules


  • general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or
  • subject-related higher education entrance qualification or
  • general or subject-specific technical college entrance qualification (consisting of a school- and a practical-based part) or
  • successfully passed master craftsman’s examination or
  • equivalent previous education (e.g. apprenticeship)
  • more information on the university entrance qualification

Applications for the first semester of study:

  • May until 15.07. of each year (winter term)

Applications for higher semester of study:

Admission is based on the capacities that become available. The admissions office can provide more information.

  • November until 15.01. of each year (summer term)
  • May until 15.07. of each year (winter term)

Information on application deadlines and procedures for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can be found at

This is a statutory deadline. This means that applications for admission and application documents that are submitted to the Kiel University of Applied Sciences -Admissions Office  (via Uni-Assist for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification) after the above-mentioned deadlines will no longer be considered. If the end of an exclusion period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the period nevertheless ends at the end of the corresponding day and is not extended to the end of the next working day. (Article 43, Section 7 of the University Admission Ordinance –(HZVO). The date of receipt at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences is valid! Subsequent submissions beyond this deadline are also not possible. Incomplete documents or documents received late are excluded from the selection process. Applications received by fax or e-mail are invalid and also do not take part in the award procedure.

Documents to be submitted (as upload):

  1. certificate of university entrance qualification
  2. certificate in the event of a name change (e.g. marriage certificate)
  3. certificate of exmatriculation (de-registration) if you are studying/have studied the same course of study for which you are requesting admission to a first semester of study
  4. if applicable, certification of civic/social service (armed forces, year of social and ecological work, EU voluntary work, charity work, development agencies, etc)
  5. evidence of completed professional training (exam certificate)
  6. evidence of previously study periods by means of study certificates
  7. evidence of previously completed courses (when applying for a higher semester)
  8. if applicable, proof of sufficient German language skills for applicants without a German university entrance qualification and without a German university degree (enrolment requirement in the case of admission!!!)
  9. additional degree: certificate of the first professional degree, study certificates, certificate of exmatriculation (de-registration) and a detailed written justification. Applicants are only allowed to name one degree programme. You can find more information here.

To the online application mentioned above

After deducting the so-called advance quotas (foreigner quota, hardship quota), 20% of the study places are allocated after a waiting period. The other 80% are distributed according to a university selection quota. This provides for an allocation based on the average grade of the university entrance qualification, which is an admission requirement in accordance with the examination regulations.

The waiting period counts from the time the university entrance qualification is attained.

Notification of admission for the main procedure is sent approx. 2-3 weeks after the application deadline. Then, rejections are handled. After a rejection you have the opportunity to participate in a possible lottery procedure. A lottery procedure takes place if there are still some remaining places for the course after the main selection procedure, the replacement procedure and enrolment.

You are informed of the enrolment deadline with the notification of admission. If enrolment is not made on time, the right to the study place expires irrevocably. You can find more information on enrolment here.

There is a compulsory fee charged each semester for the Student Services Authority, the student body and the semester travel ticket.

Also, there is an administration charge for enrolment. This charge is non-refundable.

Additional information on the above-mentioned fees and charges



Postal Address

Fachhochschule Kiel
Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 1
24149 Kiel

Tel.: 0431 210 1339

E-Mail: studieninformation(at)


Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 3
24149 Kiel

Opening Hours:

You can find our current Opening Hours here.